
MaltParser 1.9 - Available options

 option_file -f string   Path to option file
 help -h unary   Show options
 verbosity -v enum info  Verbosity level
 offLogging turned off
 fatalLogging of very severe error events
 errorLogging of error events
 warnLogging of harmful situations
 infoLogging of informational messages
 debugLogging of debugging messages
 name -c string  both Configuration name
 url -u string  both URL to configuration file
 flowchart -m enum parse both Flow chart
 learnLearn a Single MaltParser configuration
 parseParse with a Single MaltParser configuration
 infoPrints the info file of a configuration
 unpackUnpacks a configuration
 convertSimple format converter
 projProjectivizes input data using a configuration
 deprojDeprojectivizes input data using a configuration
 learnwoSame as learn, but also outputs the graphs to file specified by the flag -o
 testdataGenerates test instances to run experiments with a learner outside MaltParser. Use for example the flag -li true to save instances.
 type -t class singlemalt both Configuration type
 singlemaltSingle Malt Parser configuration
 workingdir -w string user.dir both Working directory
 logging -cl enum info both Configuration logging level
 offLogging turned off
 fatalLogging of very severe error events
 errorLogging of error events
 warnLogging of harmful situations
 infoLogging of informational messages
 debugLogging of debugging messages
 logfile -lfi string stdout both Log file name (default: standard output)
 mode -sm enum parse both Single Malt Parser Configuration mode
 parsing_algorithm -a class nivreeager save Parsing algorithm
 nivreeagerNivre arc-eager
 nivrestandardNivre arc-standard
 covnonprojCovington non-projective
 covprojCovington projective
 stackprojStack projective
 stackeagerStack eager
 stacklazyStack lazy
 planarPlanar eager
 2planar2-Planar eager
 guide_model -gm class single save Guide model type
 singleClassic guide
 null_value -nv enum one save The degree of differentiation of null-values
 noneExcludes all types of null values
 oneMaps all kinds of null values to one symbol
 rootnodeDistinguish between no node and root node
 novalueDistinguish between no node and root node, and no value for output column
 diagnostics -di bool false both diagnostics
 diafile -dif string stdout both Diagnostics file name (default: standard output)
 use_partial_tree -up bool false save Use partial trees during parsing
 propagation -fp string  save Propagation specification file
 infile -i string  both Path to input file
 format -if stringenum conllx save Path to format specification file
 conllxCoNLL-X data format
 conlluCoNLL-U data format
 malttabMaltTAB data format
 reader -ir class tab both Data reader
 tabTab-separated reader
 charset -ic string UTF-8 save Character set
 reader_options -iro string  both Specific reader options
 iterations -it integer 1 both Number of iterations.
 outfile -o string  both Path to output file
 format -of stringenum  both Path to format specification file
 conllxCoNLL-X data format
 conlluCoNLL-U data format
 malttabMaltTAB data format
 writer -ow class tab both Data writer
 tabTab-separated writer
 charset -oc string UTF-8 save Character set
 writer_options -owo string  both Specific writer options
 max_sentence_length -gsl integer 256 both Max sentence length
 root_label -grl string ROOT save Default label for root dependents
 head_rules -ghr string  save An URL or a file name to file that contains a list of head rules
 allow_root -nr bool true save Allow root
 allow_reduce -ne bool false save Allow reduce
 enforce_tree -nt bool false process Enforce tree constraint
 planar_root_handling -prh enum normal save Root handling
 relaxedRoot dependents not attached during parsing (attached with default label afterwards).
 normalRoot dependents attached by RightArc transition during parsing (unattached tokens attached with default label afterwards).
 connectedness -pcon enum none save Enforce connectedness
 noneDon't enforce connectedness at all, words whose head the parser doesn't know will be linked to the root node. With this option, the parser will work with planar dependency forests. A forest may be seen as a tree by considering all the roots linked to the dummy root node, but it needn't be planar when seen this way.
 reduceonlyThe last node in a connected component cannot be reduced. No restrictions on shift transitions. This option guarantees that the dependency graph obtained counting links to the dummy root node is planar and connected.
 fullEnforce full connectedness by not only not allowing to reduce the last node in a component, but not allowing to shift the last word if the graph is not connected. The produced graph will be connected and planar even without considering the dummy root node.
 acyclicity -pacy bool true save Enforce acyclicity
 no_covered_roots -pcov bool false save Disallow covered roots
 reduceonswitch -2pr bool false save Force reduce after switch
 allow_root -cr bool true save Allow root
 allow_shift -cs bool false save Allow shift transition
 options -lo string  save LIBLINEAR options (see liblinear Documentation)
 external -lx string  train Path to train or svm-train
 save_instance_files -li bool false save If save_instance_files=true, instance files are saved in the configuration.
 verbosity -lv enum silent train Verbosity of the liblinear or the libsvm package
 silentNo output from the liblinear or the libsvm package is logged.
 errorOnly the error stream of the liblinear or the libsvm package is logged.
 allAll output of the liblinear or the libsvm package is logged.
 features -F stringenum  save Feature model specification
 nivreeagerNivre arc-eager default model
 nivrestandardNivre arc-standard default model
 covnonprojCovington non-projective default model
 covprojCovington projective default model
 stackprojStack projective default model
 stackeagerStack projective default model
 stacklazyStack projective default model
 planarPlanar arc-eager default model
 2planar2-Planar arc-eager default model
 data_split_column -d string  save Data split input column
 data_split_structure -s string  save Data split data structure
 data_split_threshold -T integer 50 save Data split threshold
 kbest -k integer -1 save Number of items in k-best list
 kbest_type -kt class rank process Type of k-best list
 rankOnly ranked list
 learner -l class liblinear save Learner
 libsvmLIBSVM learner
 liblinearLIBLINEAR learner
 decision_settings -gds string T.TRANS+A.DEPREL save Decision settings
 classitem_separator -gcs string ~ save Class item separator
 marking_strategy -pp enum none save Marking strategy for pseudo-projective transformation
 noneNo pseudo-projective transformation
 baselineProjectivizes input data
 headProjectivizes input data with head encoding for labels
 pathProjectivizes input data with path encoding for labels
 head+pathProjectivizes input data with head and path encoding for labels
 covered_root -pcr enum none save Attachment strategy for covered roots
 noneNo covered root transformation; covered roots treated as any other node
 ignoreNo covered root transformation; covered roots ignored in projectivity tests (old implementation of none)
 leftAttach covered roots to the left end of the shortest covering arc
 rightAttach covered roots to the right end of the shortest covering arc
 headAttach covered roots to the head of the shortest covering arc
 lifting_order -plo enum shortest save Lifting order, in case a dependency graph contains multiple non-projective arcs
 shortestLift the shortest arcs first (break ties from left to right)
 deepestLift the most deeply nested arcs first (break ties from left to right)